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在3月份的SportsPro OTT USA活动上, 在皇后区的花旗球场举行, 纽约, 有人说, “数字版权管理已死”,然后扔掉麦克风. And al虽然 my gut reaction was to immediately dismiss that statement, 我花了些时间来思考, 我认为这值得更多的考虑.

数字版权管理一直是流媒体视频提供商的主要内容. 使用证书和加密, they can utilize DRM services as a layer of content protection, ensuring that only people who have the right to view content (such as those who have paid for it) can do so. 但DRM在消费者中也很有争议, 因为它限制了他们可以观看或存储数字资产的地方. 许多人认为,一旦他们购买了数字资产, they should have the right to put it anywhere they want and watch it wherever they want, 就像DVD一样.

作为一个概念,DRM是完全有效的. Content owners should be able to protect their content so that consumers don't illegally share it. But consumers should be able to store that content wherever they want once they have purchased it. 是的, they only have rights to watch it (and not to copy or distribute it), but DRM shouldn't be so constricting that other consumer rights—like wanting to watch it on another device, 来自不同的媒体服务器, or in a different country than the one in which they purchased it—are restrained as well.

Managing the digital rights to a piece of content shouldn't go away. 也许, 虽然, the mechanism by which those rights are assured and protected should change, and maybe that's what the mic drop at SportsPro OTT USA was about.

处理身份的新技术, 身份验证, 和所有权, 比如区块链和nft, hold a lot of promise to transform the way content owners protect and manage the digital rights to their assets. In a ledger-based approach, for example, it wouldn't matter where the user was watching the asset. So long as the playback feature of the asset is connected to the ledger, the consumer's right to watch the content can be au然后ticated.

Imagine a user's crypto wallet containing all of the content they have purchased (such as the way NFTs are stored). 当用户想要玩一段内容时, 这名球员, connected to the wallet via an API or some other programmatic means, 只是检查钱包的权利. 媒体接口, 然后, would be a thumbnail representation of content within the wallet, making it easy for users to find content from their collection that they want to watch.

This approach could even address subscriptions and episodic content as well (al虽然 in a slightly different fashion, because the consumer hasn't purchased any of the digital assets), as 这名球员 has a thumbnail representation of all available content within the other OTT provider. So, imagine the user opening a Netflix app that is already au然后ticated against their crypto wallet. 当用户点击一段内容观看时, Netflix ascertains their active subscription as an entry in the global ledger and allows the content to play.

The interesting thing about this approach is that encryption is no longer needed. No more exchanged certificates via 这名球员 and a certificate server in the DRM chain. As an immutable entity, the ledger is the source of truth for purchase (i.e.(1)所有权.e.、订阅). This means the consumer can watch whatever they own wherever they want and "store" it however they see fit.

DRM作为一个概念不会消失,也永远不会消失. 但它确实需要转型. 现有的方法对消费者来说限制太大. But a ledger- and wallet-based approach not only frees the consumer to handle their media the way they want, it also assures the continuity of digital rights for the content owner.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


The popularity and growth of FAST show us that viewing behavior, 尽管流媒体正在兴起, 并没有太大的变化. People want choice, but they want it in a way that meets their needs. FAST doesn't scrap the broadcast experience with which so many are familiar; it is evolving it in a way that broadcast could never do to improve upon the viewer experience.


你可能会觉得我疯了, as the executive director of the world's largest streaming technical association, 问这个专栏标题中的问题. But I think it's actually important that we do a gut check every once in a while.


The future of streaming is about unification built on top of a single open standard of content metadata. 现在,这是只见树木不见森林的问题.


'Delivery' is one of the most commonly used words in our business? 但这到底是什么意思呢? If we think it's just about protocols and bytes, we're never going to catch up to traditional TV.


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The increased streaming we've seen during the COVID-19 pandemic didn't break the internet. But it did give us a vision of the future, and the opportunity to be proactive rather than reactive.


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders, streaming has gone through the roof. The strategies you implement today will set the stage for the future.