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How Disney Streaming Approaches OTT Personalization

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Learn more about OTT personalization at 流媒体 West 2021.

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戴夫Lankford: 我认为人的因素和管理内容的能力是有价值的. But how do you scale that to a global audience? 你如何将其扩展到不同年龄段的广泛用户中? 这就是我们真正倾向于个性化和机器学习的地方, as well as experimentation. And on the personalization side, 我们在大约30秒的观看后开始建立消费者档案. Obviously we may have some 信息 as you come in, in terms of the path in which you purchased, the country in which you purchased, the device on which you purchased.

但在一天结束的时候,我们开始关注你在看什么的信号. 我们确实研究了几个不同的领域. 很明显,你在登陆屏幕上呈现的是家庭体验. That's an important surface for us. What is the content that's presented, what is the order in which it's presented, both top to bottom and left to right. 这些都是非常重要的媒介,尤其是对受众而言. If it's a left-to-right audience in most Western worlds, 左上角开始成为体验的一部分. 如果你在讲阿拉伯语或希伯来语的地区从右向左看, you're going to be looking in a different direction. 因此,我们了解人们如何看待我们的内容的模式,并确保我们将最相关的内容呈现在顶部.

But curation comes in play, 特别是当你的内容没有很多信号的时候. There is importance about priming the pump, 确保你向人们展示这些内容和故事, because you'll start to see who's clicking on that, 谁在看?, who's consuming it all the way through and not. 所以我认为你必须理解你所知道的, and what you don't know, and accept what you don't and find ways around that. 我想说还有其他的表面——游戏后的体验, 或者下一个, when a video is done, what is that next thing you present to them? 这对我们来说是一个非常重要的界面,如果有人在浏览或搜索的话也是如此. Sometimes if someone's searching, they're searching for a title, maybe not because that's what they want to watch, but it's like something they want to watch. 并且能够使用个性化来理解使用我们内容的知识图谱, 理解主题与故事之间的深层联系, 对弧, to character types, those all are things that we invest in to say, "Let's know more about our content."

我还想说的是,你展示它的背景——能够说一些推荐给你的东西,或者因为你看了这个——或者甚至是你展示它的其他背景都很重要. The images that you present, the titles that you present, those all provide the way in which people understand, "Why is this being presented to me? And do I agree with that assessment?"

On top of that, it's not a one size fits all. We have a philosophy on my team which is "Yes, And.“如果你曾经参加过即兴表演,你听过Del Close, Del Close总是说Yes, and." And that why bring that up is, a lot of times when we were first starting, I would hear teams come to present and they would say, “嗯, 戴夫, 这是选项A, 这是选项B, 这是选项C.我们已经到了,“让我们测试选项A,选项B和选项C。."

We need to have a hypothesis, 但为了个性化和创造最好的体验, 作为个人或团队,我们必须消除自己的个人偏见,然后说, “让我们尝试不同的算法、不同的环境或不同的呈现内容的方式,这样我们就能让我们的消费者与我们对话.所以再一次, I think experiment, 在谈论个性化和机器学习时,不可能不讨论实验.

for qualified subscribers
现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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