内容保护 > Featured Articles

如果是优质内容, 它必须受到保护, both to facilitate monetization and to thwart would-be pirates. Check here for the latest news, trends, and analysis of all manner of content protection

Save your FREE seat for 流媒体 Connect this August. 现在注册!

流媒体's 引领潮流的产品 and Services of 2024

A detailed guide to 流媒体's 引领潮流的产品 and Services of 2024.


读者已经说过! Here we present North America's top tech solutions of 2023, 由流媒体读者选出.

Cloud Atlas: MovieLabs’ 2030 Vision Roadmap for Industry-Wide M & E互操作性

MovieLabs' CTO Jim Helman discusses his experience creating standards for content classification for the Hollywood studios, as well as the MovieLabs ten-year strategy to bring interoperability to as many vendors as possible. The Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) Helman helped create is a content ID which now holds more than 2.8 million records modernizing many aspects of production and operations. He'll also update us on the industry's response to the 2030 Vision strategy to bring interoperability to media creation technologies, requiring less custom engineering and better communications between software, 基础设施, 和服务.

The 2023 流媒体 100: The Top 100 Companies in the 流媒体 Universe

The 流媒体 100 is back—welcome once again to 流媒体's annual list that foregrounds the industry's 最有创意的 and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, 平台, 以及媒体和内容公司, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. 其中一些是大型和成熟的行业标准承担者, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their innovative approach and their contribution to the expansion and maturation of the streaming media universe.

回顾:Ant Media Server(企业版)

This review will highlight Ant Media Server and many of the features supported with the streaming server. Viewers will also learn how to configure the WebRTC streaming server on Amazon Web Services and how to get up and running with delivering live streams and video-on-demand streams.


Incorporating generative AI into our workflows has the potential to impact almost everything in media technologies, and I'll examine several of the possibilities in this article.

IBC 2023的流媒体100

IBC将于9月15日至18日举行, just before the eagerly anticipated unveiling of this year's 流媒体 100, which recognizes the 100 companies that matter most in this industry, I had the chance to surprise a number of deserving honorees with their awards, 现场和现场展示.


读者已经说过! 以下是2022年的顶级技术解决方案, as determined by none other than the readers of 流媒体.

The 2022 流媒体 50: The 50 Tech Companies That Matter Most in Online Video

欢迎来到2022年流媒体50年, our annual list that foregrounds the industry's 最有创意的 and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, 和平台, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. 其中一些是大型和成熟的行业标准承担者, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their innovative approach and their commitment to serve the customer and advance the industry. 这是我们第五年将榜单限制在50家公司.


The new Brightcove CEO talks about helping enterprises act like media companies.


1600多名读者在22个类别中投票. We'll announce the winners at 流媒体 West in Huntington Beach on November 16, but here's a tease—the top three vote-getters in each category. 你可能会对你看到的名字感到惊讶.


New entrants join old standbys in our annual survey of readers' preferred technical solutions


有人说nft(不可替代的代币)是一种新鲜事物, 加密货币富豪的身份象征, 一个注定要破裂的泡沫. Others argue that NFTs will fundamentally change business models in the creative industries. It's early days, but there's plenty of momentum behind NFTs and blockchain. 以下是你需要知道的.

The 流媒体 50: The Most Important Companies in Online Video Tech

我们的年度流媒体50总结了最重要的, 最有趣的, 以及最具创新性的在线视频解决方案提供商. You'll find names both familiar and unfamiliar here, as newer entrants join market veterans. 那么是谁上榜了呢? Read on ...


近2000名读者在22个类别中投票. 我们将在本月晚些时候宣布获奖名单, but here's a tease—the top three vote-getters in each category. 你可能会对你看到的名字感到惊讶.

Take the Content and Revenue Protection Trends 2021 Survey

Share your insights on how DRM and piracy affects you personally and professionally, 并有机会赢得价值500美元的亚马逊礼品卡.

流媒体 Readers' Choice Awards Nomination Deadline Extended Until August 20

We've got two new categories this year—Best Streaming Innovation and Best New Streaming Company—along with 23 other categories from analytics to webcasting and everything in between. We've extended the nomination deadline to August 20, so don't delay.


The math behind the magic of protecting live and on-demand streaming video content

How Can Direct-to-Consumer Platforms Better Protect Their Exclusive Regional Content?

交错发布计划, 直接面向消费者的产品爆炸式增长, 多个订阅的成本, and the ease of finding illegal or unlicensed content online is resulting in growing amounts of piracy. A multi-pronged approach to combating piracy is necessary to prevent lost revenue, 裁员, 品牌联想差.

The 2020 流媒体 50: The 50 Companies That Matter Most in Online Video

谁列出了我们的年度最重要人物名单, 最有创意的, and just plain 最有趣的 companies in the online video space? Read on ...